Need a Permit to Remodel Your Nashville Bathroom? Best 3 Tips

Table of content

  1. Do I Need a Building Permit?
  2. How To Obtain a Permit?
  3. How Much Does it Costs?
  4. Your Contractor Can Help!
  5. Key Takeaways

Do I need a building permit?

In Nashville, permits are required for any major renovation or construction project, including bathroom remodels. Usually you will need one if you move structual walls or plan an extension.
Generally, any substantial modification to the structural integrity of a building—such as removing or altering load-bearing walls, or adding new structures—will require a permit. Even some less intensive modifications, like major plumbing or electrical changes associated with a bathroom remodel, might also require permitting.
Usually you will need permitting in the following cases:
  1. Load-Bearing Walls: Removing or altering load-bearing walls involves significant risk as these walls support the weight of the structure above. Alterations without proper assessment and reinforcement can lead to structural failures, posing severe safety risks. Permitting ensures that a qualified engineer or architect reviews and approves the plans, ensuring that any modifications will not adversely affect the building’s integrity.
  2. New Structures: Adding new structures, such as extensions or detached garages, typically changes the footprint of the property. Permitting for such additions ensure that the new structures comply with zoning laws, land use regulations, and safety standards. This process often involves submitting detailed site plans and construction blueprints for review by city or county officials.
  3. Major Plumbing Changes: Significant plumbing modifications, such as moving a bathroom or adding a new bathroom, require permits. These changes can impact the municipal water system and must be checked to ensure they do not lead to problems with water pressure or drainage within the community infrastructure.
  4. Electrical Upgrades: Major electrical changes, like adding new circuits or upgrading the entire home’s electrical panel, also need oversight. This is critical to prevent fire hazards due to overloaded systems or faulty wiring. Inspections verify that all work meets the National Electric Code (NEC) standards, which are designed to ensure electrical safety.


When you work with Tura Renovation we’ll tell you if you need a permit or not and we will give you extensive details and explaination during our FREE ESTIMATE! 

how to obtain a permit

Permits are typically obtained through the Department of Codes and Building Safety, which issues building permits and related trades one. Customers can apply for them online or in person, and registered contractors can apply via the Metro ePermits system.
Once the permit is obtained, the next step is to schedule an inspection. Inspections are required to ensure that the work is being done correctly and up to code.  

How much does it costs?

The cost of obtaining a permit in Nashville can vary widely depending on the project’s scope. Minor modifications might incur fees as low as $50, while more extensive changes could cost several thousand dollars. On average, obtaining a building permit could range from $400 to $2,000, serving as a fraction of the overall project budget.
With Tura Renovation, the cost of permitting is included in our price so you won’t have any bad surprise.

your contractor can help

Professional Nashville renovation companies bring expertise in local building codes, which can significantly streamline the permitting process. They are familiar with common pitfalls and requirements specific to Nashville, which can prevent costly errors and delays.
Contractors are also responsible for scheduling inspections, and failure to pass an inspection can result in fines or the project being halted.
It is important to work with a licensed and experienced contractor who is familiar with the permitting, the inspection process and the local Nashville building codes to ensure a successful bathroom remodel project.

Key Takeaways

  • Permitting is essential for any major bathroom renovation or remodeling project in Nashville.
  • They are typically obtained through the Department of Codes and Building Safety, and inspections are required to ensure that the work is up to code.
  • Working with a licensed and experienced contractor like Tura Renovation will help: we include permitting work and cost with all our projects!
Picture of Matt @Tura Renovation

Matt @Tura Renovation

Matt is Tura Renovation's head craftsman and project manager. He has 20 years of experience in bath & kitchen remodeling management. He is also an expert tiler and mill worker. Matt loves to share his passion for restoring homes and for craftsmanship! His main goal is to deliver the best customer experience to Tura's clients, no matter the budget or the scope of work. When Matt is not at work, he enjoys spending time with friends and family, walking in beautiful Nashville parks, gardening, being involved in local no-profits and going to downtown music gigs.

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