What Our Clients Are Saying


Client Testimonials

Our clients rave about their experiences working with us because we always strive for perfection, but don’t take our word for it:

Very happy with Tura Renovation. We renovated 2 large bathrooms, there were lots of work at different level and it was a bit overwhelming. But the Tura team did a great job with eye to detail, amazing quality of work, and strict quality control which reassured us. They also helped us stick to our budget and make great design choices. Communication was easy too. We couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome and the experience.

Jennifer B.

Frankin, TN

I had no idea how much work goes into a bathroom renovation, but the Tura team handled it all with professionalism. They patiently answered every question I had, providing reassurance and care during the whole process. I’m also very happy with the work itself – it looks great!

Debra A.

Belle Meade, TN

Happy clients here. They are on time and friendly. Keeping my place clean and my cats safe. I’m surprised at how hassless, on time and on budget our large renovation project went! Matt was amazing at managing our expectations, choosing and sourcing materials, anwering our questions, managing schedule etc… Highly recommend.

Anya S.

E Nashville, TN

Very professional. Matt – our project manager made everything so easy and painless and kept our space clean before, after and during (which was important because we lived in our home during the remodeling). He went above and beyond to make sure we were satisfied and that all issues were resolved and no details were missed. Tura also helped me through the design process with great honesty for sourcing and very fair pricing. We got exactly what we wanted within our budget. We never thought we could trust a contractor so much. We are ready to use them again. And thank you Matt.

Will T.

Brentwood, TN

They are great. We didn’t live in the house Tura Renovation remodeled, and they were great at giving us update everyday and keeping the work on track. We basically had nothing to do, as they took care of everything. The end result looks amazing! We got lots of compliments and the details are fantastic! We LOVE our bathroom tiling work!

Emma S.

Brentwood, TN

We love our new Kitchen. Thanks Tura Renovation for the awesome work. My wife is beyond happy. She absolutely love the quality and how trustworth your team was. We’ll be calling for the next project for sure.

Tony T.

Antioch, TN

reliable, quality renovation work that fits your budget

Amazing Craftsmanship

Transparent & Honest

All Included Process

All Included Prices

Reliable & Clean

Industry Leading Warranty

Quality remodeling made simple

Reimagine your dream home with our best in class craftsmanship and increase its value!

Areas We Serve

Tura Renovation home contractors proudly serve the Nashville, Middle TN area with our home remodeling services. If you don’t see your area’s name please contact us! Call Us Today!